Gautham Menon's Hindi remake ofVTV, titled Prem Katha, is progressing briskly. Recently, thePrem Kathateam, including Prateik Babbar and Amy Jackson, were in Chennai to shoot some important sequences. The film is jointly produced by IN Entertainment (part of the Hinduja Group) and Gautham Menon's Photon Kathaas. Oscar winning musician A.R. Rahman will compose music for the Hindi version too. Editing is by Anthony; camera is handled by Manoj Paramahamsa; Rajeevan is the art director.
Vinnaithaandi Varuvaayaa is a romantic musical which has Trisha and Simbu in the lead roles. The film revolves around the love between an aspiring film maker Karthik, who wants to make it big in his profession, and a Christian girl Jessie. The film was also made in Telugu asYemaaya Chesave, starring Naga Chaitanya and Samantha.
The film which also dubbed in Russian Language recently and participated in Russiam Film Festival and have won several Hearts of Russian people`s too.