The HTC Desire Android 2.3 update will not meet its end of May deadline, according to 3 Mobile.
A tweet from the numerical network apologises for the ongoing delays to the Desire Gingerbread update.
It reads, "Re HTC [Desire] 2.3: V[ery] sorry to say that HTC hasn't been able to meet the late May timings that were set. We're awaiting extra info, more news soon."
Delicious gingerbread
At first Three didn't know when the update would arrive, and then it reckoned late April, then early May, then the end of May and now… well, it probably should have stuck with its first answer.
It's not clear exactly what's to blame for the prolonged delay, but Three is obviously quite keen to pass the buck on to HTC, which is yet to comment.
Unofficial accounts suggest that HTC is now working to a deadline of the end of June, at which point HTC Desire owners should hopefully be able to enjoy the improved copy and paste, WebM video playback, the redesigned Android keyboard and better battery life that Android 2.3 should bring.
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